Track 1: ICT in Healthcare | Track 2: ICT in Education | Track 3: ICT in Business |
- Cloud Computing, Big Data and Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing and Text Mining
- Data Mining for Biomedical Engineering
- Electronic Health Records and Standards
- Wearable and Body Implant Technologies
- ICT in Telemedicine
| - Collaborative and Cooperative Education System
- Application of AI in Smart Education Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- ICT in Education 4.0
| - Information Management & Data Science
- Business Analytics and Management
- Information System Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence in Business
- Blockchain Applications in Business
- E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
Track 4: ICT in Agriculture | Track 5: ICT in Industry | Track 6: ICT in Smart City |
- Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Farming
- Cloud-IoT Platforms for Small to Large Scale Farming
- Applications of AI and Machine Learning
- Sustainable and Green Technology
- Smart Management of Agricultural Waste
| - Communication and Networking
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Robotics, Automation, and Control
- Cloud Computing, Big Data and Machine Learning
- Mobile Computing for Industry
| - IoT and WSN for Smart City Applications
- Cloud Computing and Networking
- Grid and Metering Infrastructure
- Smart Transportation System
- Logistics Applications
- Smart Waste Management